const moment = require('moment'); const { getUserFromReferenceTable } = require('../db/mongo/mongoPilots'); const { getSessions, getSessionTracks, updateSessionTracks, insertOneSessionTracks } = require('../db/mongo/mongoSessions'); const { RedisClient } = require('../db/redis/redis'); const { getHistoricalSessions, getIvaoSessionTracks, getIvaoPilotsNow, getIvaoLatestSessionFlightPlan, getIvaoSessionLatestTrack } = require('../requests/ivao/session'); const { getAirTime } = require('./trackerAnalizer'); async function getTodaySessionsFromIvao(callsign, incompletes) { const from = moment().utc().startOf('day').format(); const to = moment().utc().endOf('day').format(); const params = { callsign, from, to, }; const data = await getHistoricalSessions(params); if (!incompletes) { return data.filter(d => d.isCompleted); } return data; } async function checkUsername(user, key, usersList) { const u = {...user }; if (! { const ref1 = await getUserFromReferenceTable(key) || {}; const ref2 = usersList.find(d => key === d.vid) || {}; let ref; if ( { ref = ref2; if (! { // TODO: update mongo } } else if ( { ref = ref1 } if (ref) { =; } else { console.log(`Couldn't find info for ${key}`); } } return u; } async function getWhitelist() { const redisUsers = await RedisClient.getPair('users_whitelist'); return redisUsers.sort((a, b) => b.flightTime - a.flightTime); } async function getSessionCalculatedTime(sessionId) { let tracks = await getSessionTracks(sessionId); if (tracks && !Number.isInteger(tracks.calculatedTime)) { tracks.calculatedTime = getAirTime(tracks); await updateSessionTracks(tracks); } else if (!tracks) { const t = await getIvaoSessionTracks(sessionId); tracks = { sessionId, tracks: t, calculatedTime: getAirTime(t) }; await insertOneSessionTracks(tracks); } return tracks.calculatedTime; } async function getList(callsign) { const from = moment().startOf('month').format('YYYY-MM-DD'); const to = moment().subtract(1, 'day').endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD'); const todayData = await getTodaySessionsFromIvao(callsign); const monthData = await getSessions(from, to); const allData = [...todayData, ...monthData]; const redisUsers = await RedisClient.getPair('users'); const totalsByUserId = {}; for (let index = 0; index < allData.length; index++) { const session = allData[index]; const userId = session.userId; const flightPlan = session.flightPlans[session.flightPlans.length - 1]; const date = moment(session.completedAt); const calculated = await getSessionCalculatedTime(; if (!totalsByUserId[userId]) { totalsByUserId[userId] = { time: 0, flights: 0, sessionsTime: 0, }; } totalsByUserId[userId].time += calculated; totalsByUserId[userId].sessionsTime += session.time || 0; totalsByUserId[userId].flights++; if (!totalsByUserId[userId].lastFlight || date.isAfter(totalsByUserId[userId].lastFlightDate)) { totalsByUserId[userId].lastFlight = {...flightPlan }; totalsByUserId[userId].lastFlightDate = date; totalsByUserId[userId].lastCallsign = session.callsign; delete totalsByUserId[userId]; if (session.user.firstName) { totalsByUserId[userId].name = `${session.user.firstName} ${session.user.lastName || ''}`; } totalsByUserId[userId].division = session.user.divisionId; } } const array = []; for (const key in totalsByUserId) { if (, key)) { const user = await checkUsername(totalsByUserId[key], key, redisUsers); user.vid = key; array.push(user); } } return array.filter(d => d.time > 0); } async function getLatestSessions() { return await getIvaoPilotsNow(); } async function getLatestsFlightPlans() { const sessionsNow = await getLatestSessions(); const response = []; for (let index = 0; index < sessionsNow.length; index++) { const session = sessionsNow[index]; const sessionFlightplan = await getIvaoLatestSessionFlightPlan(; const track = await getIvaoSessionLatestTrack(; const fplan = {}; fplan.sessionId =; fplan.callsign = session.callsign; fplan.arrival = sessionFlightplan.arrival; fplan.departure = sessionFlightplan.departure; fplan.departureTime = sessionFlightplan.departureTime; fplan.eet = sessionFlightplan.eet; fplan.eta = track.groundSpeed === 0 ? 0 : Math.round((track.arrivalDistance / track.groundSpeed) * 3600); fplan.arrivalDistance = track.arrivalDistance; fplan.groundSpeed = track.groundSpeed; response.push(fplan); } return response; } module.exports = { getList, getWhitelist, getLatestSessions, getLatestsFlightPlans, };